

Below is the transcript from my Facebook page

A big thanks to a Great Coach, Wojt Kowaluk.

The value of having a great Coach for any advancement in life and the will to achieve anything.
Last Feb I was at a point where it seemed that I could barely even walk for the rest of my life.
He personally sent me this and I want to let the world know anything is possible….
From WOJT:
Hi Ron I recently saw your post and felt compelled to send you a copy of the goal you wrote last Feb
“It is early 2016. I see myself at the beach. I am surfing riding a wave, on my Awesome Stand Up Paddle board. I can smell the clean ocean air and love the energetic feeling I get from breathing it. The sound of the ocean is like music to my ears. I am happy and confidant. Looking like I was born to do this. I feel like a champion again. Swooshhh.
It’s a beautiful day. ”
Congratulations and well done for sticking with it.
Thank you Wojt.
You did the Job, I just visualised, believed, worked and followed.
Everything else, just fell into place as planned.
From the bottom of my heart and “sole” ? feel free to copy and share this for your coaching practice and reference. You deserve a lot more.
Love & blessings to you and your endeavours.

Ron, Victoria


Natheadshot Cropped


What did Wojt do for me? Well my quick snapshot of Wojt is like a Nike Ad, Just Do It!

I had been living with a chronic back pain cycle for 18 some years and was entrenched in a western medical cycle and highly medicated at times, with Wojt’s help I was able to bust out. After approximately 15 hours via telephone Wojt and I were able to work through many emotions of mine that had been stored in my unconscious mind… we wrestled them, pinned them down and sent them off to the universe where they forever reside.
I am now free of the shackles of pain.  I have a newfound discovery and zest for life. I know I will be able to face and conquer any challenge that is set before me. Life is absolutely amazing and it was all here inside of me, Wojt facilitated and I unleashed my warrior.

Wojt has a plethora of amazing tools to implement.
I was open to possibility of change and wow, did this change happen and then some.
I am able to write more but I am having trouble really finding words enough to express my gratitude, my family and friends’ gratitude to what we have achieved.
To Wojt, THANK YOU! Cheers to you, from an extremely satisfied over the moon reaching for the stars client.
Nat, NSW

Ross on anxiety
Ross on anxiety

Hi my name is Ross and I’m 50.
I did a series of sessions with Wojt when I was very busy with work, travelling as a Humour Therapist (Therapeutic Clown) and having to engage creatively with 80 people over four days. I was experiencing anxiety of varying levels all of the time, especially when I woke in the morning and thought about work. Full bodied anxiety was not a great way to start the day, it also affected my eye-sight, but I was used to the feeling and off I would go. I had sessions with Wojt on the weekends in between travelling and then off I would go again.
I noticed that the anxiety would ramp up for a couple of days and then ease off, then after another session a similar process would transpire, until the anxiety eased off all together.
It was not a comfortable process at times while things were processing after the sessions, but Wojt was always available to discuss it with me, the end result was well worth it.
But let me say that working with Wojt was an easy and comfortable process when we were together, you just need to relax into it.
I would not hesitate to use Wojt’s services again.
Ross, NSW

Tanya another happy Voytex client.
Tanya another happy Voytex client.

Wojt, I cannot thank you enough for your outstanding skills and amazing techniques.
For many years I have suffered intermittently with neck ache and headaches from an injury that I sustained in childhood.  I managed this problem throughout the years with both therapy and medication. After only one short session with you, I am still amazed at the immediate and sustained change our first session made to my life.  I no longer need to manage my pain, it is gone.
I no longer require medication to address this problem.
At each of our subsequent sessions you have addressed the basic core of each problem and past issues no longer have any relevance as I move forward in my life. The positive changes in my life have been profound. As your client I thank you for the privilege of your expertise.
Tanya Stephenson, TAS

My name is Tony Bunt, I am 43 years old and I have lived with lower back pain and sciatica for over 10 years. I have had numerous operations on either bulging or ruptured discs.
I try to keep as active as possible with exercise to assist with my mobility for work and my home life. After my most recent procedure from a ruptured disc, I found I was suffering more than just back pain. I had lost my confidence to work and even my confidence to engage the outside world. I felt trapped in my own home. I underwent some therapy treatments with Wojt Kowaluk, who helped me discover that a lot of my pain had underlying ties to my emotions. We worked through these emotions over three sessions. After each session, I could see and feel a major improvement in not only my pain levels but also my confidence and my mobility.
My wife would even comment after each session how positive I sounded
and how well I was moving
I owe Wojt immensely for helping me improve my sense of wellbeing and improving my quality of life.
Tony, NSW