Special Offer
1 x 1 hour session $65.
I have a limited number of these sessions available to new clients. They are restricted to evening skype or phone sessions on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.
Retain your Brain for Life
Voytex Pain Solutions offers a range of Brain Retraining coaching programs to help you achieve your goal in life.
- Retrain your Brain against Pain – Level One
- Retrain your Brain against Pain – Level Two
- Retrain your Brain for Life
- Retrain your Brain – Phobia Bust
Retrain your Brain against Pain – Level One
6 Sessions, 1 x 2 hours, 5 x 1 hour – Price A$800
This is designed to help people who have episodes of chronic pain. This usually indicates that there may be a specific set of circumstances that lead to your pain episodes. It could be that there is some underlying issue or concern that triggers the pain. I once helped someone who suffered from chronic migraines, the problem became so great she travelled the world looking for a solution. We were able to identify the underlying causes that triggered her pain, resolve them and this meant the pain went away.
During the program you will learn Brain Training tools to take away with you, these tools will aid you in the future to prevent the pain returning.
Retrain your Brain against Pain – Level Two
15 Sessions (5 x 2 hours, 10 x 1 hours) – Price A$2500
This is my flagship coaching program that takes the time to look at every aspect of your life. If Too Much Stuff is the cause of your chronic pain, then this program is specifically designed to reduce the stuff that is causing your pain. It is not for the faint-hearted, for most people who are in constant pain there is a lot of stuff going on. Some of it has lead to the pain and some of it comes as a result of the pain, we deal with it all. It is recommended that people undertaking this program should have completed the Level One program first.
It is often a combination of factors in our life that lead to chronic pain becoming entrenched in our lives and so each needs to be dealt with in order to cut the ties that bind.
Retrain your Brain for life
12 x 1 hour sessions – Price A$1000
This program is designed to assist you in any aspect of your life that requires attention. It could be your something in your personal life that you have wanted to do but something kept holding you back, my article on Life Coaching-The Origin Story outlines the ideas behind life coaching.
Retrain your Brain – Pain Free Phobia Bust
2 x 1 hour sessions – Price A$250
If your phobia is not a distant memory by the end of the second session then the third one is on me.
Ask yourself the following three questions.
- How attached to your phobia are you?
- What do you avoid doing because of your phobia?
- How different would your life be without your phobia?
Who can benefit from Voytex Mind Body Coaching?
The short answer is anyone who suffers from Chronic Pain and has a strong emotional association with it. In the past whilst suffering from chronic shoulder pain, I would get angry and my shoulder would hurt. What I couldn’t work out was, did my shoulder hurt because I was angry or did I get angry because my shoulder hurt. I was trapped in a cycle of pain and emotion.
- Does your level of pain vary according to your state of mind?
- Do you have good days and bad days?
People who have completed a Retrain your Brain against Pain program reported the following benefits.
- No pain.
- Understood the connection between their pain and their stuff.
- Found a new zest for life.
- Regained a sense of wellbeing.
- Reduced their feelings of being overwhelmed.
- Eliminated their fear of re-injury.
- Broken the negative feedback loop that links their pain with their stuff.
Voytex Pain Solutions can assist you in breaking the cycle of pain. It can Retrain your Brain against Pain.
How can I gain access a Voytex Program?
The constant grind of visits to a variety of health practitioners and long waits in the surgery does little to ease the suffering of people in chronic pain. As long as you have access to a phone or computer, our sessions can be conducted in the comfort of your own home. If you prefer a face to face session this can also be arranged.

“ But positive thinking alone is not enough to turn your life around. You must have some strategies, some step by step plans for changing how you think, how you feel, and what you do every single day your alive”
Notes from a Friend – Anthony Robbins